Saturday 7 April 2012

The Equine Photographers Network Announces 
Results for Equine Ideal: 2012 Online Photo Contest  

My image:  "Friends" was awarded Third Place in the Amateur 'Wild Horse' Category.

This was a juried competition and here is what the Judge, Toni Stromberg, said about the image:

"I love the affection you captured in this shot.  Really nicely  composed, 
good exposure, and I like that the background is soft...  
really brings the focus to the horses.  Nice!"

I also want to thank all of you who voted for my image in the People's Choice Award open voting.  Thank you!


Another of my images "Dawn of a New Day" received the People's Choice Award at the PhotoCentral, Hayward, Springshow 2012 and is currently exhibited there until May 17, 2012.

This pano printed on metal is has a wonderful glow reflecting the dawn light over the Bay during a January early winter morning.  The Bay Bridge is a much photographed subject, and I was very happy to see that the image offered something special for the viewer.

The images of the Springshow can also be viewed here.


Til next time,