Wednesday 5 June 2013

Wild Mustangs at Return to Freedom Sanctuary
Copyright 2010 M.Raeder-Photography

Good News from the Wild Horse Preservation Campaign

National Coalition Calls on Interior Secretary to Halt Wild Horse Roundups in Wake of Scathing Independent Report

National Academy of Sciences Says Alternatives Available; "Business As Usual" is “Expensive and Unproductive”

“Government’s wild horse roundups are doomed to failure”

“Horse experts call for end of wild federal mustang roundups”

“BLM Wild Horse Program Slammed in National Academy of Sciences Report”

These are just a few of the headlines that were generated today by the long-awaited National Academy of Sciences (AS) review of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) wild horse and burro program.

The report is a game-changer in our fight to help America’s wild horses and burros. It delivers a strong case for an immediate halt to the roundup and removal of wild horses from the range, an increase in wild horse and burro population levels and implementation of in-the-wild management using available fertility control options.

In short, everything that we have been saying and calling for!

Last month, new Interior Secretary, Sally Jewell, said that she was awaiting this report before making a determination on the future of the wild horse program. She now has a clear path forward if she chooses to pursue it.

Let’s make sure she does. AWHPC and our founding coalition organization Return to Freedom have been circulating a sign on letter to Secretary Jewell asking her to prioritize humane reform of the BLM wild horse and burro program.

Over 25,000 citizens have already signed, and we’ve been joined by celebrities like Robert Redford and Carole King and members of Congress from both political parties. 

Please click here to read our press release on this milestone report. Thank you for everything you do for wild horses and burros!

- The AWHPC Team 

American Wild Horse Preservation

The American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign is a coalition of more than 50 horse advocacy, public interest, and conservation organizations dedicated to preserving the American wild horse in viable, free-roaming herds for generations to come.
 Return to Freedom is dedicated to preserving the freedom, diversity and habitat of America's wild horses through sanctuary, education and conservation. RTF provides refuge to 400 wild horses at its California-based American Wild Horse Sanctuary.  RTF founded the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign in 2004.

Til next time,