Friday 23 August 2013

American Wild Horses - 
149 unbranded horses saved from slaughter!

Following a brutal round up by BLM, the American Wild Horses Preservation organization and other supporting organizations worked hard to save the horses from slaughter and worked towards their rescue.

August 23, 2013:  News from the American Wild Horses Preservation:
It's been a long and difficult week, but I have good news to share. The 149 unbranded horses in limbo at the Fallon Livestock Auction in Nevada have been saved!
In fact, our friend Terri Farley just sent this photo in from the stockyard where the rescue is underway right now:
You'll recall that these horses were rounded up by the Fort McDermitt Paiute Shoshone tribe earlier this month with the blessing of our federal government.
As a result of our lawsuit against the federal government, a judge last Friday issued an injunction temporarily blocking their sale at the auction. The sale continued with the auction of branded horses, about half of whom were sadly purchased by kill buyers.
On Wednesday, the same judge lifted the order, clearing the way for the horses to be sold to the highest bidder. Clearly, we disagree with the verdict and with the actions of the federal government, which was complicit in making these horses available to kill buyers.
Following the ruling, we did everything we could to save the 149 horses from slaughter. I’m happy to report that, after an amazing collaborative effort, these horses are safe. 
Our coalition partner The Cloud Foundation, secured the involvement of Victoria McCullough and the Triumph Project of Wellington Florida. Florida State Senator Joe Abruzzo, negotiated with the tribe on Ms. McCullough’s behalf to purchase all the horses for rescue.
Stepping up to take the horses were Ellie Phipps Price (Dunston Wines), Madeleine Pickens (Saving America’s Mustangs), Liberty for Horses, Nevada Horse Power, and Return to Freedom.
AWHPC has played a key role in coordinating this monumental rescue. It has been a true team effort and we are touched and grateful for the outpouring of support and concern.
Our work is not yet over, though. Many the rescued horses are in need of permanent homes. And, we of course want to make sure this situation never happens again.
If you can offer a home for one of these horses, please email or just reply to this email.
If you would like to donate to help feed and care for these horses, Return to Freedom has started a fund dedicated to this rescue.
The outpouring of support and concern over the fate of these horses have demonstrated the strength of Americans’ opposition to horse slaughter and support for wild horses. In memory of the more than 150,000 horses who are sent to slaughter every year, please join us in continuing this fight! 
Thank you to all have supported this amazing rescue effort. `
- Suzanne & the AWHPC Team

American Wild Horse Preservation