Thursday 31 July 2014

Last Light of the Day

The Battle over the Freedom of the Wild Horses in the West

News from Return to Freedom - Wild Mustang Sanctuary

A battle is raging in the west . . . America's wild horses are caught in the middle of greed, politics and fierce competition to lay claim to our natural resources and public lands. 
—  We're Bringing The Fight To Washington —

Return to Freedom Brings the Voice of the Public To Congress

Today will be much like any other day for Hopi - a Navajo stallion who was sold for ten cents a pound for his meat when we found him. That almost fatal day is long behind him and today, like yesterday, he will enjoy the companionship of his herd mates, the freedom to stretch his powerful legs as he gallops across the rolling hills of the sanctuary. He will have food and clean water and nothing or no one will threaten his life, his family or his home. That is the promise of the sanctuary. This safe haven that we work so hard to provide is only possible with your support. Thank you.

But 3000 miles away,our Founder Neda DeMayo will be leading a group of advocates through the halls of Congress today. Young and old alike have come from around the country as part of our Wild Horse Rangers program. This program provides members of the public with the education, information and direct experience they need to advocate effectively for our wild horses. The voice of the American people is what led to the creation of the 1971 Wild Horses and Burros Act. The act has been systematically dismantled over the years by special interest and corporate ranchers who want our public lands for their own profit. We're not going to stand by and let that happen. Today - our voices will be heard. And we won't stop here. We will keep lobbying Congress, attending roundups, and being the first line of defense against all that threatens our horses.  

Wild Horse Rangers is part of RTF's Advocacy In Action program designed to empower the public to advocate effectively for America's wild horses.

You can visit Return to Freedom and learn about the fate of the wild horse and mustangs in the West by joining me for a great Photo Tour  on August 23-24, 2014.  The wild mustangs are in the cross-hair of big ranching business, the BLM and other mining corporations who want the public land for their exploitation.

All details for the Photo Tour here.

Til next time, 